ExFlow CO₂ Insights
How to set up ExFlow CO₂ Insights
Enter the license key
To start with the setup of CO₂ Insights in ExFlow Business Central, search for ExFlow CO₂ Insights License Information, and enter the provided license key.
Permission on Business Central users
Next step is to add the permission set called EXCOADMIN on selected Business Central users, that will handle the configuration of CO₂ Insights in Business Central.
All other users that will utilize the CO₂ Insights Platform, can have the permission set called EXCOREADER.
One of these permission sets must be given to users in order to access the CO₂ Insights Platform when the configuration is completed.
Onboard in ExFlow CO₂ Insights Setup
Go to ExFlow CO₂ Insights Setup
Head over to ‘’ExFlow CO₂ Insights Setup’’ to start the onboarding for the chosen company.
The user will then be asked to grant consent according to below picture.
A successful onboarding confirmation will be received when the grant consent step is completed.
When the onboarding process is completed and the consent is granted, it will then be possible to enter the CO₂ Insight Platform by clicking on ‘’Onboarded’’.
This obligates of course that the user has the required CO₂ permission set on the Business Central User card, as previously mentioned.