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Implementation Steps

• Go to the admin-URL
• Go to Business Entities --> Business Entity Connection and select "New"
• A dialog will appear showing all available Business Central environments in the tenant in which Content Gate is registered. Note that it can take some time to load the dialog
• Select the right Business Central environment

Step 2: Create storage providers

Create four storage providers with the following names:
• Item documents
• Jobs documents
• Purchase documents
• Sales documents

If the customer decides to use Azure Blob Storage as storage provider:
• Create a new storage provider by clicking the "Add button".
• In the dialog, enter the name and select "Azure Blob Storage" as the provider type.

Content Gate

After the provider is created, enter the missing values:
• Storage account
• Access key type = Account Key Token
• Authentication = Local
• Access key value
• Container name

Content Gate

Step 3: Import the provided import file

Go to General Settings and click the button "Import".

In the dialog that appears, go to the next page by clicking the "Next" button.

On this page, select the import file and click "Next".

Content Gate

On the next page, make sure to select the import method "Full", and make sure to check all 4 checkboxes as components you want to import.

Content Gate

Click on "Review & Import", and on the next page, click to "Import"

Step 4: Setup storage defaults

Go to the page Storage --> Storage defaults

Four rules need to be added:

Rule 1: Select all categories starting with "Item" and pick "Item documents" in the dropdown "Are stored in storage connector".

Content Gate

Rule 2: Select all categories starting with "Jobs" and pick "Jobs documents" in the dropdown "Are stored in storage connector".

Rule 3: Select all categories starting with "Purchase" and pick "Purchase documents" in the dropdown "Are stored in storage connector".

Rule 4: Select all categories starting with "Sales" and pick "Sales documents" in the dropdown "Are stored in storage connector".

Step 5: Rename the content categories

Go to the page Content Items --> Content Item Properties and select the property "Category"

Select the tab " Type specific settings"

To rename a category, select the checkbox before the category to be renamed.

The categories need to be renamed according to the checklist.

Content Gate

Step 6: Add users to the system

Go to User Management --> Users

Add the users to the system. Grant each user a Full license

Content Gate

Step 7: Add users to the relevant user groups

Go to User Management --> User groups

Add the users to the relevant groups:
• Sales documents
• Purchase documents
• Item documents
• Jobs documents
• Administrators